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2022 Full Moon Howl Pics

Domestic Violence Awareness

WellCare Gives Peace River Center 2017 Quality Award

Dr. Abid recently presented Peace River Center with the WellCare Health Plans 2017 Quality Award. The recognition resulted from WellCare teaming up with Peace River Center in June 2017 to form a new, value-based care agreement for a behavioral health home.

The partnership provides integrated care coordination for members with severe medical and behavioral health issues in order to improve overall health and reduce hospitalizations and readmissions. Peace River Center has shown success throughout the year and has 72 active members enrolled in this program. We provide comprehensive care management, care coordination, health promotion, comprehensive transitional care, individual and family support as well as referrals to community and social support services.

The program expectation for this behavioral health home model results in improved health outcomes, better quality of treatment, and improved cost-effectiveness. Peace River Center’s behavioral health home also aims to improve patient care experience and reduce the use of hospitals, emergency departments, and other costly inpatient care.

Donor Spotlight: Lisa and Steve Moseley

Steve and Lisa MoseleyLisa Moseley’s involvement with Peace River Center evolved throughout the years. As a teacher and guidance counselor, she referred families to the organization and was impressed with the services offered to people who otherwise could not afford it. Later, she was invited by former Chief Development Officer Margaret Parry to take books and crafts to the organization’s domestic violence shelters and work with the children living there.

“I longed to help more, but at that time I was busy with work and raising kids,” said Lisa. Then three years ago after attending Full Moon Howl (FMH), she called Margaret and the FMH Event Chair Debbie Watkins to ask how she could help with the event.

Lisa recalls discussing it with her husband Steve, telling him how this would be an opportunity to help save lives and raise awareness about mental health. In 2017, the Moseleys were asked to chair the event. “That was a scary, but easy YES!”

Lisa Moseley Mental Health Quote“Mental health directly impacts your quality of life, and we as individuals and society are affected by not taking mental health as seriously as our physical health,” said Lisa. During her career, she watched several amazing students drift into depression and develop anxiety issues based on pressure from school, society, and friends. She admits she struggles with anxiety and had to reach out for help to process difficult times in her life.

“At first, I fought getting help because I felt I should be able to conquer it on my own because I am a counselor and have a blessed life. I realized if I was asking others to get help then I better ‘walk the walk’. I now have useful tools at my disposal when anxiety tries to get the best of me,” she said. Energetic and passionate about the mission, Lisa’s goal is to make certain even more people are aware of the help Peace River Center can provide. “The organization covers such a variety of needs that are all interconnected. The amount of services offered and the number of people they help is truly astounding.” Last year the nonprofit, which was founded in 1948, assisted more than 25,000 people in Polk, Hardee, and Highlands Counties. “Peace River Center literally save lives and families daily!”

Steve and Lisa MoseleyLisa said the most rewarding part about working on behalf of Peace River Center is the people she’s had the pleasure of working with. “We work hard because we are passionate about the mission. I prayed every night for another successful FMH, not because I wanted personal glory, but for the lives that would be changed by the money we raised. God poured out his blessings on the event and provided us with a record-breaking year.” FMH grossed $286,000 and netted $208,000, which helps fund the organization’s programs.

“Chairing FMH has been humbling and so very rewarding. I truly want to thank the Polk County Community, both businesses and individuals, for their continued support of FMH and Peace River Center. Your generosity and help are remarkable! To the past and present committee members and PRC staff, you ROCK!” said Lisa. “The new friendships and fun times will keep FMH going for many years to come!”

Program Spotlight: Crisis Response Team

No matter the time of day, no matter where you are, Peace River Center’s mobile crisis team is available to help. The Crisis Response Team (CRT) members offer immediate crisis intervention by phone, mobile response, or walk-in at the Bartow and Lakeland Crisis Stabilization Units. The CRT also provides consultation for individuals’ family or key people such as school personnel, linkage to emergency services if needed, plus they can evaluate and arrange for inpatient crisis stabilization as necessary, and refer to follow-up behavioral health services.

The CRT, which began in 2002, covers Polk and Hardee counties. Director of Crisis Services Kirk Fasshauer, LCSW, FT said the team handles information referral calls to more serious calls such as someone who is suicidal. For those higher risk calls, the CRT counselor keeps the person on the line while another team member works to get law enforcement on the scene. The CRT member also checks Peace River Center’s internal records to see if the individual is a current or previous client, which provides more insight into the caller’s mental health history.

The team members talk through issues, identifying what the presenting problem is, coping skills previously used, and what about the current situation is different. The caller may be overwhelmed with something new or experiencing other symptoms such as high anxiety or depression. “We don’t wait for the crisis to come to us, we can go to the person in distress,” said Kirk. Last year the team received 4,650 calls, completed 387 mobile responses, and handled 353 walk-ins. “In a crisis, emotions run the show and sometimes bad choices are made. This team guides callers from an emotional state to a logical state,” he said. The CRT counselor helps individuals step back and look at things objectively, which often results in identifying their own solutions. The next step is to devise a crisis plan, which may include connecting the caller to additional Peace River Center services or scheduling a follow-up call.

Help Peace River Center connect even more people to the resources they need by sharing information about our 24-Hour Crisis Response Team. The number is (863) 519-3744 or toll-free (800) 627-5906.

Spotlight: Mary Jane Oglesby

Director Reflects Back on 30 Years in Mental Health Care at Peace River Center

In 1984 Mary Jane Oglesby began her mental health career because she felt the need to help persons like her cousin who were challenged by mental illness daily. Peace River Center was the only Baker Act receiving facility for uninsured persons in the area, and her first job was at Wing E, the psychiatric inpatient unit. After her time in Bartow, Mary Jane worked on the Lakeland Gilmore campus serving the elderly with mental health concerns through the Gerontology program.

She then transitioned into management and worked with programs serving persons with Severe Persistent Mental Illness (SPMI). As program manager then Director of Recovery Services, she had the opportunity to manage and work with a variety of programs including Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Adult Case Management, Residential Treatment, Forensics, FACT, Club SUCCESS, Supported Employment, Supported Housing, Adult Overlay, HUD Properties, Drop In Center, CAT and Home To Stay.

“I love a good challenge so anytime I was asked to take another program under my management, I was excited. I see challenges as an opportunity to make things better, not as obstacles,” she explained. Through those opportunities, Mary Jane learned about the foster care system and the challenge families face when children are removed from the home, the difficulty families face when a young child presents with serious mental health or emotional problems, and how specialty court programs can reduce the number of incarcerated persons with mental illnesses.

She attributes most of the changes during her 30-year career to newer, more effective medications with far fewer side effects, which results in better compliance with taking medications. Persons with mental illness often refuse to take their psychiatric medication because of the unpleasant side effects such as dizziness, nausea or vomiting.

Another major impact on mental health was the shift of services and funding from the state hospital to community-based services, which resulted in tremendous growth for Peace River Center. A pivotal moment followed the 2003 President’s New Freedom Commission Report. Mary Jane said the vision statement from that report has mostly become true today: We envision a future when everyone with a mental illness will recover, a future when mental illnesses can be prevented or cured, a future when mental illnesses are detected early, and a future when everyone with a mental illness at any stage of life has access to effective treatment and supports—essentials for living, working, learning and participating fully in the community.

Regardless of the progress, mental health care providers still face the largest obstacle: adequate funding. Throughout her career, she has seen how appropriate funding can help this population flourish. One of her top accomplishments was working with Department of Children and Families in 2005 to begin a clubhouse program, which provides adults who are living with mental illness the ability to get more out of life. Club SUCCESS currently has an average daily attendance of 45 members who work alongside staff to operate the club.

“By having better coordination of care for this population, treatment is more effective, resources are better utilized and care is more easily accessible,” said Mary Jane.

Another highlight of her career was integrating primary medical care with mental health care. “We were among the first in Florida to step up and get involved with this national movement. Having been part of the Low Income Pool Grant and having received assistance from the Indigent Health Division of Polk County, the dream of having our own Primary Health Care Clinic became a reality,” she said.

She said the most rewarding part though is seeing the persons Peace River Center serves feeling confident while being treated with respect and dignity. “Being greeted with a smile and a hug when I visit programs—I know we are doing something right! People with mental illnesses are among the bravest persons I know; living their lives each day facing the challenges they have due to their illness.” She also considers all of the dedicated professional staff she worked with unsung heroes.

Peace River Center is incredibly grateful for everything Mary Jane accomplished during her 30 years. We are moved by her dedication and the thousands of lives she positively impacted. Enjoy your retirement to the fullest MJ!

CEO Corner April 2018

Dear Friends:

In the nearly five years since becoming CEO of Peace River Center, there have been many policy and practice changes that impact those we serve. But one thing seems to stay consistent—the need for accessible mental health services continues to grow. In the few months since our last edition, there have been several unfortunate events that raise the question, “What more can we do to help and who can we turn to for help?”

As your community behavioral health resource, we are here to help. We have dedicated professionals, investing in people to create positive impact. One way we provide access is through our Crisis Response Team (CRT), a group of compassionate people available to talk by phone, mobile response to any location in Polk and Hardee counties, or by walk-in at two of our locations (Bartow and Lakeland). Crisis calls can be made by anyone, at any time, from anywhere 24-hours a day, 365 days a year.

Five years ago, Peace River Center collaborated with Lakeland Regional Health, Polk County Health Department along with its partners, and The Polk HealthCare Plan to provide Integrated Care Services (medical and behavioral health services provided together) for Polk County’s neediest residents. Since then, we have expanded this approach to care with additional partners: Lakeside Pediatrics in Lakeland, Central Florida Health Care at several of their locations in Polk and Highlands counties, and WellCare as its first designated Behavioral Health Home in Florida. These services have increased access to care; reduced and avoided unnecessary emergency room use; and, reduced hospitalization while providing less costly, alternative outpatient options for the populations we serve.

As many of you already know, the Lakeland Crisis Stabilization Inpatient Unit opened its doors on January 24 and subsequently our Outpatient Services on February 26. The Lakeland Crisis Campus expands our services to provide an additional 10 beds for adults and 10 beds for children/adolescents.

As another important legislative session closes, we know many changes will trickle down and have an impact locally. Peace River Center is committed to serving our communities and offering services to individuals, children and families struggling from behavioral health issues and substance use as well as victims of violence and sexual abuse. Our programs focus on restoring health and improving the quality of life for those we serve.

We can’t thank you enough for your ongoing support and we ask that you continue to spread awareness about Peace River Center.

If you have any questions about our services, please contact Access to Care at 863.248.3311.

J. William Gardam, MBA
Chief Executive Officer

Movers for Moms Collection Drive Kicks Off

Movers for Moms Header Image

TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® Kicks Off Movers for Moms® Drive to Help Mothers in Peace River Center Domestic Violence Shelters

It’s once again time for the TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® Polk County Movers for Moms® collection drive, which provides gifts and supplies to women living in Peace River Center’s Victim Services shelters as a result of domestic violence and abuse.

Making Mother’s Day Better for Those In Need

Though Mother’s Day is intended to be a joyous occasion for women across the country, thousands of moms will be overlooked on this special holiday because they are living in shelters as a result of domestic abuse or homelessness. Statistics from the Domestic Violence Resource Center state one in every four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime, and an estimated 1.3 million women are victims of physical assault by an intimate partner each year. According to a national New York State Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence study, approximately 25 percent of homeless women are homeless because of violence in the home.

To ensure moms in crisis receive the love and appreciation they deserve this Mother’s Day, the Polk County moving company is working with local organizations to collect toiletries, feminine hygiene products, hair care products, ethnic hair care products, diapers, wipes, towels, wash clothes, and sheet sets. Donations can be dropped off at various collection sites throughout Lakeland listed below. If your business or organization is interested in hosting a Movers for Moms collection drive or displaying a collection box, please contact Brandon Silk, or (863) 646-6683 Ex:52608.

Collection Sites

History of Movers for Moms

This spring marked the 11th anniversary of Movers for Moms®. Since its introduction, the program has expanded nationally to all 39 states and more than 300 franchises. Last year was the program’s most successful year to-date, with more than 295,000 items collected for donation to hundreds of shelters across the country. This year, TWO MEN AND A TRUCK®’s goal was to collect more than 310,000 items for moms in need across the country.


TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® is the largest franchised moving company both in the United States and internationally. Currently, there are 357 national locations and 2,700 trucks operating in the U.S.; in total, the company operates more than 380 locations and 2,900 trucks. TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® has performed more than 6.5 million moves since its inception in 1985. The company has seen consistent monthly growth dating back to December 2009; more than 95 months of consecutive growth. Each location is independently owned and operated. For franchising opportunities, visit

What Substances You and Your Teen Should Worry About- A Visual Guide

By: Julia Bearden

There are many types of substances available to teens. Teenagers have a way of communicating in “code” when they do not want someone to know what they are talking about. If your teen was having a conversation about drugs with someone, would you know? This guide will list street names of the most unfamiliar (but common) substances and provide an image to help identify them.

(Hover over images to pause slideshow)

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Projectghb. (2017). What is GHB? | Project GHB. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Aug. 2017].

Foundation For A Drug Free World. (2017). What are Inhalants. [online] Available at: ( [Accessed 28 Aug. 2017].

Foundation for a Drug-Free World. (2017). What does heroin look like?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Aug. 2017].

Phencyclidine. (2016). [ebook] Drug Enforcement Administration. Available at: [Accessed 30 Aug. 2017].

Justice. (2006). Psilocybin Fast Facts. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Aug. 2017].

WebMD. (2014). Teen Slang for Cough and Cold Medicine Abuse. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Aug. 2017].

Drugs. (2017). Kratom: Uses, Effects, Hazards & Abuse Potential – [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Aug. 2017].

Schoolbeat. (n.d.). SchoolBeat: 2CI – 2CE. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Aug. 2017].

Schoolbeat. (n.d.). SchoolBeat: PMA. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Aug. 2017].

MedicineNet. (n.d.). Angel’s Trumpet Information | Evidenced-Based Supplement Guide on [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Aug. 2017].

Palo Alto Medical Foundation. (2015). Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) | Risky Health Issues for Teens. [online] Available at: Names [Accessed 30 Aug. 2017].

Dangers of Substance Use and Risk Factors

By: Julia Bearden

This blog highlights a range of substance use disorders and the dangers and risk factors associated with them. The age when use begins, areas where an individual lives and spends time, socioeconomic status (age, gender, education level, etc.), frequency of use, and a person’s family history of substance use disorders are all risk factors for developing a substance use disorder. The dangers of use range from personality changes, developmental delays, organ damage to sudden death. The important thing to remember is to limit the number of substances we consent to, whether it is prescriptions or over the counter medications, and develop a monitoring system if you have significant risk factors for a substance use disorder. Not all substances are bad or illegal, but they all have the potential for misuse.

What Constitutes a Substance Use Disorder
Everyone will require the use of a substance at some point in his or her life, usually a prescription for a medical or mental health condition. The use of substances is crucial for maintaining a healthy population; however, substance use becomes a disorder when the intended purpose shifts from aiding the ailment of the individual to it impairing the individual’s abilities.  Substances are not limited to those which are provided by a health care provider. They include substances which are readily available and legal, such as alcohol and tobacco. They also include illegal substances like methamphetamines, cocaine, and marijuana. The use of any substance has risk factors and health dangers associated with its use. The dangers of use are the same as a health risk which is defined as the probability that a specific action or exposure will give rise to a negative health outcome (World Health Organization, 2017). Risk factors are defined by The World Health Organization as any attribute, characteristic, or exposure of an individual that increases the likelihood of developing a disease or injury.  The goal of this blog is to highlight the risk factors of substance use and the dangers associated with it.

Alcohol and Tobacco Use
Alcohol and Tobacco Use Disorders are two of the most common Substance Use Disorders (SUD) in the United States (, 2015). The perception of these two substances is: they are legal; therefore, they must be safe. This socially acceptable point of view is a risk factor for substance use. In addition to this, risk factors include socioeconomic status and the age when use begins (, 2015). Even in moderation these substances carry heavy health risks if used frequently. Dangers of alcohol use include developing tolerance which results in drinking more alcohol to feel the same effect, an increase in risky behavior, internal organ damage, cancer, stroke, decreased life-years, and other health complications (, 2015).

Marijuana and Synthetic Marijuana Use
In many states, the availability of marijuana is increasing for medical purposes. However, this is not the same as recreational use. Recreational use does not weigh the risks versus benefits to an individual when it is not medically needed. The dangers of use associated with recreational marijuana include reduced cognitive abilities and a higher chance of developing a mental illness (National Institute on Drug Abuse, [NIDA], 2017). Synthetic marijuana is structurally and chemically different than marijuana. NIDA states that synthetic marijuana is primarily composed of heavy metal residues which can be toxic to the human body. The long-term effects on reproduction, development, memory, and addiction potential are not known. This does not imply that there are no long-term effects. Synthetic marijuana is relatively new and has not been completely analyzed due to the limited amount of time it has been in existence. It has been associated with psychosis, brain damage, cardiac arrest, irregular heart rate, kidney damage, coma, and death (Dual Diagnosis, 2017). More studies are needed to determine the long-term dangers of use.

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services website, risk factors for marijuana use include performing poorly in academics, exhibiting antisocial personality traits, exhibiting emotional instability, voicing positive beliefs or perceptions of marijuana, having a lack in parental monitoring and communication, and having peers who approve of marijuana use (Risk and Protective Factors Associated with Youth Marijuana Use, 2014).

Stimulants and Other Synthetic Drug Use
Stimulants and other synthetic drugs can be prescription or plant derived. The danger of using these types of substances are their significant side effects, their impact on individuals’ abilities to control use, increased tolerance, inhibited chemical and structural development within the brain, and increases in the chance of addiction in individuals with genetic predisposition (NIDA, 2017 July). Synthetic drugs contain similar chemicals to amphetamines but carry a higher chance of stroke and heart attack (NIDA, 2017 July). Some examples of stimulants are Ritalin, Adderall, obesity medications, methamphetamines, cocaine, bath salts, Kratom and Pump-It powders. The dangers associated with these substances are substantial. A significant danger associated with synthetic drugs is being unaware of the chemicals they have in them and how they may affect you. These types of drugs are highly addictive and that is a risk factor for developing a substance use disorder. Other risk factors include a family history of addiction, community attitude toward drug use, and the age when use begins (NIDA, 2014).


Dual Diagnosis. (2017). Synthetic Drug Abuse | Dual Diagnosis. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Aug. 2017].

NIDA. (2014, July 1). Drugs, Brains, and Behavior: The Science of Addiction. Retrieved from on 2017, October 23

NIDA. (2017, July). Commonly Abused Drugs Chart. Retrieved from

NIDA. (2017, August 1). Marijuana. Retrieved from on 2017, October 23

Risk and Protective Factors Associated with Youth Marijuana Use. (2014). [ebook] Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Center, pp.5-23. Available at: [Accessed 21 Aug. 2017]. (2015). Substance Use Disorders | SAMHSA – Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Aug. 2017].

World Health Organization. (2017). Differences between risk, risk factors, risk-behaviours, risk-conditions and at-risk. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Aug. 2017].