Florida Assertive Community Treatment

Florida Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) Team

1835 Gilmore Avenue, Lakeland, FL 33805
Referral information: 863.248.3314

Florida Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) is a multi-disciplinary team that provides continuous comprehensive treatment, rehabilitation and support services to individuals with a severe and persistent mental illness (SPMI) with recurring acute episodes of illness. FACT is designed to promote psychiatric and physical health, independent living, supportive relationships, and full community participation for individuals it serves. Ultimately the goals are to keep clients stable in the community of their choice without cycling through hospitals, crisis units, jails, or shelters and be as engaged with their community, family and friends as desired. Referral required.

Persons who receive FACT services have severe mental illness symptoms and impairments that are not adequately served in the traditional service delivery system. They are at high risk of repeated psychiatric hospital admissions, prolonged inpatient psychiatric hospitalizations, or repeated crisis stabilization unit use because of their severe psychiatric symptoms and significant interactional impairments and lack of available community-based services.

FACT provides assertive and proactive services to members to assist them with achieving their most independent level of functioning in the community with the least amount of intervention through inpatient psychiatric hospitalizations.

  • Direct provision of psychiatric care
  • Coordination of all medical and general healthcare
  • Management of medication and side effects
  • Support and education for family members
  • Psychotherapy and supportive therapy
  • Substance abuse treatment
  • Housing assistance
  • Employment assistance
  • Assistance in obtaining needed benefits
  • Assistance with legal issues
  • Skill teaching for daily living and socialization activities